
Sergio Fourzan


Sergio is deeply caring and understanding. He knows losing weight is a challenge and having lived through it personally, he is familiar with the daily struggles that people experience. It is his belief that through education comes empowerment. This means that learning about a healthy diet, including knowing which foods to avoid and which to focus on, is vital in achieving long-term success.

Sergio struggled being overweight for many years. During his first year of college, he gained almost 50 pounds. After repeated short-term successes but longer-term failures following fad diets, he found out about the benefits of a plant-based diet and it was only through that lifestyle that he was able to lose the weight permanently. No other diet he tried helped him lose weight in a sustainable way. Sergio immediately developed a passion for nutrition, which led him to study plant-based nutrition at Cornell University’s Center for Nutrition Studies.

Seeing many patients struggle with their diets after their gastric sleeve surgery moved Sergio to take action and help by creating GastricSleeveRecipes.com. His mission is to end patients' never-ending confusion about the optimal diet after surgery and to help them discover that eating healthy can be easier than they may think. Sergio's goal is to make it easier for patients to reach their weight loss goals and to help those who are struggling to do so to get back on track.

Favorite recipes: Cashew Tofu Stir-Fry, Moroccan Chickpeas and Rice Bowl